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Some Useful Tips on How to Cope with Divorce

I was recently invited to collaborate on an expert panel and share some insights on how cope with divorce. Here are my best tips:

Grieving and giving yourself time is a huge part of this process, but it’s possible that your husband or wife (divorce initiator) isn’t allowing you to grieve as they want to move the divorce along as quickly as they can.

If you are the non-initiator in this type of situation, it is very important to get help (support groups, therapy, bio-feedback). It will allow you to grieve, to accept the fact that divorce is real and move forward.

It is also very helpful to analyze what had happened during your marriage that brought your spouse to such a painful decision.

Changing your surroundings can also be helpful.

It’s common to want to keep the house/apartment as divorce is extremely overwhelming as is. However, moving out, renting a new place or just redecorating an old place could mean a new fresh beginning in your life.

You can read the full article here: How to Cope with Divorce


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